Custom ADA Signs: Looking Out To Those Who Face Disabilities

Custom ADA Sign

If you’re a business in Pflugerville, TX, or anywhere else in America, your business signs must be compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Many business owners and executives misunderstand what compliance with the ADA means. You cannot just print some Braille office signs and be done with it. The ADA is actually about making businesses accessible for Americans with all types of disabilities, and not just those who are blind. Here’s what you need to know about custom ADA signs:


There are many levels of visual impairment, and your sign design can help those with minor and major visual disabilities navigate your property easier. ADA braille signs must also meet these readability requirements:

  • : For people with certain visual impairments, it can be challenging to read signs that use colors which don’t have enough contrast. Your signs must therefore be high contrast.
  • : For people with some visual impairments, unusual lettering or letters in serif fonts can be hard to read especially from a distance. Your font must be an approved sans-serif or serif font.

Height of the Sign

The ADA also puts several physical limitations on the signs, one being height. ADA compliant signs must be at a certain height so that those who use Braille can find them, and to ensure visibility for other people. It’s important to note that not all signs need to be ADA compliant and not all custom ADA signs need to follow each guideline. You should work with a sign expert to make sure you’re meeting the ADA guidelines for signage.


Not all Braille is printed equally. Cheap ADA Braille signs may get the spacing or the height of the Braille lettering wrong, making it challenging or impossible for people who use Braille to read the sign. If you had such a sign, it would open you up to fines and penalties from the ADA. So, it’s best to work with a quality sign maker that you trust and get your old signs checked out by them.

Choose Stryker Designs If you’re looking for a quality custom sign maker in Pflugerville, TX, reach out to us today. We can create your custom ADA signs, whether you need Braille office signs or simply signs for your public bathrooms. Contact us today to get started and we’ll help you stay compliant while still representing your brand in an attractive way.

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